During this past weekend, I kept myself busy with working at the restaurant, cleaning, hanging out with Rachel, and of course, playing Wii. I feel so out of place with the new routines and tasks of being a college graduate. On Friday night, while working, I ran into someone I knew from the school I just student taught at. I briefly chatted with her, and told her that I was finally finished with college. It just so happens, that her husband is also the principal at the school. They are an awesome pair and are such an asset to the school. After talking for only a minute or two, I had to get back to my tables. I was extremely excited when they were sat at a table near my section. I took this as a chance to really step up my "A Game" and talk with him. So I went to their table and asked how things were going, and let him know that I was now finished with college and excited to get into a classroom of my own. Let me tell you how God works in many ways. He offered me a job. I will be taking the permanent sub position in a few weeks, and then beginning the first week of April, will be taking over a fourth grade classroom. I just can not believe that I have my foot in the door at an awesome school, and feel extremely blessed to have a job that will be paying me well. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love serving, and work with a wonderful staff, but teaching is my real passion. I think teaching is a job that really challenges you to understand the diversity that surrounds us in this world. It is a job that is rewarding and motivating. I love how each day is different, and has a new routine. There is no way I could work in a factory or a cubicle. I love the feeling of coming home and relaxing and being able to talk to Phil about the day, knowing that I accomplished a small goal of making a difference. I am so glad that Phil is able to understand and relate to teaching. Of course he is ahead of me with having his own 6th grade classroom, but I am so glad I can go to him with questions he can actually answer. Talk about having an understanding and supportive husband!So many times, we have been asked when we will be having children. My mom is always dropping hints of how she would love another grandchild and knows that the next grandchild will be a girl. Phil and I are excited to have children, and in the future we will make that decision. However, having a classroom of 25 students, is enough birth control for now. Phil and I have so much to look forward to, simple things, like having our first Christmas together, buying our first home, being prepared for life and become more financially stable. I promise! that they day will come, and it will, so hang in there for when we decide to have a baby. But for now, Chloe and Buddy are our little ones. And we can leave them with out having to pay a baby sitter :)
Buddy Chloe Phil and Chloe