When I got home from school today, I was exhausted. The kids are so excited and ready for break, and well, so am I! All I was looking forward to was some peace and quiet while phil was at a basketball game. And these chances of being home alone come by far and few between. So least to say, I was estactic! But wouldn't you know, if its not one thing another? So as I came into the office to check e-mail and facebook, I turn the corner to see a big pile of mess! My little cherubs..Chloe and Buddy somehow managed to knock my ornament box off the couch. I literally screamed in panic. I just kept thinking...all of my keepsakes, and the ornaments I grew up with. I turned around to see their little faces just sitting there. And as soon as I pointed my finger at them, and asked "Which one of you did this?" They were gone! They knew they were in some serious trouble! On a positive note, none of them broke, or at least that I am aware of, thank God for that one. On a negative note, I will never know which one of them did it. Thats the only problem with having 2 : / Well, needless to say I didnt get to relax like I thought. Oh well, maybe tomorrow?

And this is after I picked most of the mess up. I swear...they are lucky they are cute...
You have some seriously talented kitty cats. All my dogs can manage to do is poop in the other room and I can only try to determine who did it by determining who's poop it looks like. lol. Luckily the can't jump on stuff to knock it over. Better luck next time with the relaxing.