Just when things seemed to being going really great, like, becoming a 4th grade teacher, the best part about my life right now ;) I got into a car accident. Thankfully, I walked away from it, understanding now how bad it actually could have been.... I was headed to school about 7:30ish. That week had been the week where our temperatures dropped in the double negatives, and the roads were as icy as I have seen them in years. As I was approaching an intersection on Bendix, the traffic light turned yellow. I was unable to stop, under the crazy road conditions, so I literally slid through the intersection, unaware that Transpo bus across from me was going to make a left hand turn in front of me. I swerved as hard as I could to avoid any contact with the bus, but being the size of a Transpo, and a Pontiac, we eventually collided. I was literally tossed across 3 lanes of traffic, and then shoved into a snow bank. I just sat there with my eyes closed, thinking "Did this just happen?" I have never felt myself shake so horribly as I did at that moment. My mind went blank and I was not sure what to do first. I looked around realizing that it wasn't a nightmare and that I was sitting in a pile of snow, unable to get out from my drivers side. Thankfully, a man stopped and asked if I was okay, and that he was calling 911. I am really grateful that he did. I tried calling anyone, Phil, my mom, and even 911, but I couldn't. My hands were shaking and I couldn't dial any number. After a couple of minutes, I saw police lights coming my way. It was at that moment that i realized I was okay. I think I just started crying even harder. The bus hit my passenger side causing the door to be somewhat jammed. I started to panic thinking "What if I can't get out?" After pulling my door open I got out, not wanting to see how bad my car really was. As I sat in the back of the police car, (never thought I would have to do that one) I called my mom and Phil. I remember it being so cold, that my tears started to freeze. I did not look at my car, I just didn't want to know at that point. As of today, my insurance company is still dealing with Transpo, and I am still with out a car. I went and saw my car for the first time a few days ago. I guess in the back of my mind, if I didn't go see the car, it was like "Oh, maybe it didn't happen." But, it did, and I am alive and healthy. My realization is that my car can be replaced. So much worse could have happened, and I am grateful that it didn't. Even though I was traveling solo, someone had to have been in my passenger seat.
I took a few pics on my phone, so I tried my best to upload them. The pictures are not very clear, but you can get the gist of the damage :(

Wow girl. I can only imagine the stress and frustration you must be feeling right now. I think it's bull crap that someone (even your insurance) is not providing you with a rental. Your insurance is supposed to take care of you first and then worry about getting reimbursement from Transpo. I would demand someone get you a rental ASAP. After all that's what you pay them for. But anyway, I love you and I'm glad you're okay. Cars can be replaced, Caseys can't!!