Recently, Phil has been urging me to start back up on my golf game. I played in high school and a year or two in college. I really love the game, and haven't played these past couple of summers. What it comes down to is the fact that my dad and I would play together a lot. He would come to my matches, walk with me, give me ideas or tips, and keep me calm as needed. (Which was pretty frequent). So I really haven't had anyone to go out and golf with. I played with my grandpa a few times. And my uncle..well hes just really good at the game, and not so much anymore.
Anways, Phil went out and played 18 holes with Alex last week. Phil and him came back with some funny stories and they both seemed to have a great time. So I decided that I was going to clean my clubs and try the game again. So we did. Phil and I headed out to Studebaker for 9 holes. Okay, so I played 4 balls of the first tee to actually get a decent shot down the fairway. Phil kept reminding me that this was my first time out in a few years, and not to become frustrated.
Hes so funny because, hes out there just to have fun and he's so relaxed. Me on the other hand, well..we will leave it at that. (Im just a little bit more competitive.)
It was a good time. Thank goodness for Phil and hes patience. I think I have found my golfing buddy from here on out. I also believe that I have found someone that can handle playing with me and still get me to laugh. So of course, thanks to my addiction to ebay, I bought a new golf bag, and some new Nike shoes. They are fabulous.
I know that golfing will never be the same with out dad, nor do I ever want it to be. I like to keep that bond we shared to ourselves. The moments we shared out on the greens are where they should stay. But I am looking forward to making some new ones with Phil. Its going to be a whole new ball game, and I think I am starting to become okay with that. 

My new bag...its pink! and thank goodness it only weighs 4 pounds!