Does anyone else miss their wedding day like I do?

Does anyone else want to wear their wedding dress, like at least once a week?
Does anyone else wear their tiara when they clean?
Ok, so I am guilty of all 3.
I just wish I could have another wedding day. I just had so much fun. It was the best, because all of my family and girlfriends were there. We danced, laughed really hard, got some men to take off their shirts, and oh yea, had my brother borrow/take a golf cart for us. (What an awesome brother he is!)

I guess maybe I am reminiscing because I am doing a scrap book on the wedding. And seeing all of the pictures are bringing back some really fun memories. (Ive learned to just block out the ugly ones)
So I am not sure if I am the only one who has crazy thoughts like this. But I would surely love to plan a party where we just wear our wedding dresses again, and drink a lot of cocktails and share our stories! :)
I think its really time for me to find a daily hobby. I have too much time on my hands not being in school :/
I'm totally up for throwing a re-wedding party. Except I can't fit into my dress anymore. Sad, i know. I agree with you 100% about how fun our weddings were and wish we could do them all over again. One of these days we will meet half way and throw a huge cocktail party!!