Today is the Day!
Today marks our first year anniversary as a married couple. Today seems like a bland kind of day compared to what was taking place last year at this time. Last night Phil and I were eating some dinner and talking. Thats when Phil said, "last year at this time you weren't here." I looked at him like he was crazy. I was like..umm, yea I was living here. Then it clicked, that he was right. After the rehearsal dinner, I went back to my moms. I didnt stay here with him. That little line triggered all of those feelings of excitement, being nervous, emotional, and chaotic moments.
People ask if the first year was harder than we thought it was going to be. I told Phil that we never said it was going to be easy, but we had our challenging moments. When Phil and I didn't live together, we would bicker and argue, but it was easier then. Because I could always go home, hang up the phone, or just ignore the issue. However, now-a-days, I can't do those things anymore. Now when we get in an arguement, we know we have to work it out, because we live with each other............and in an apartment I might add ;) I would say that we actually bicker a whole heck of a lot less too.
Some days, well actually every week or so, I look at our wedding pictures and wish book. It just makes me smile or laugh when I see these things.
So to the couples who are getting married, who are newly weds, or have been married, I think that we have to remember what got us to that day. It helps to keep you grounded together. At the end of the day, it is important to know who loves and supports you. I have come to understand that we both have a mutual understanding of each other. (Key word in that sentence is MUTUAL) If we are only seeing 100% of our own point of view, it just will not work. I have learned this the hard way.
So during those 365 days of being newly weds, life changed a little bit for the both of us, but I am glad to have made those changes with Phil. He is a challenge some days, and I often wonder what he is thinking. But some of these things are what attracted me to him 5 years ago. He is a good man. And Im proud to call him my husband.
Awwwwww...Happy Anniversary!!! I can't believe you guys have been married a year already! That's crazy! Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday Brett and I were pissing Phil's entire family off with our antics. What did you do for your special day?