December 21, 2009
Words to Live By
December 16, 2009
Relax? Not Today
November 29, 2009
New Mr. & Mrs. Pics

Mental Break
So Thanksgiving came and went, nothing special happened. I did not spend it with my mom or the rest of the family, because of everything that has happened between us. So unfortunately she and I are no longer talking. I think its best at this point. I would rather have no parents at all, than 1 that doesn't care. We will leave it at that.
I have been going to see this really great guy for therapy. He's really awesome, and so relaxed. I think its helping a little bit, but I think most of all, when I talk he actually listens. He doesn't judge, interrupt, give his opinions, he just listens.
I guess so far, my life has been not even close to a normal, but day by day, I get through them. Especially with the help of Phil and my friends. The one frustrating point is that I always thought I could depend on family, and as it turns out I can really only depend on about half of them. But thank God for that half.
Today is Sunday, which means obviously tomorrow is Monday :/ But I am looking forward to seeing my kids and hearing all their goofy, but honest stories about their weekend. Thats the best part about have younger ones, they are still excited about school and their teacher, who happens to be Mrs. L :) And I am lucky to have such an amazing job that is so inspiring :)
Its one of the few things that keeps me going.
September 27, 2009
Another side...
Not Enough hours in the Day...
I am not really sure where the time has gone? In a few days it will already be October!
However, I am really glad fall is here, it is my favorite season. I just love this time of the year when the leaves turn all the different colors, and the sun isn't so hot any more. I also think that I am more ready for fall this year, because we didn't have much a summer. (This summer is bi-polar.) Fall also brings on the Notre Dame football season. For me, its not so much if they win or lose, but its the football parties, and hanging out with friends.
The weeks have flown by in school, and I can't believe we are going into our 6th week. I have a pretty great class. I couldn't ask for a better support team at school with some of the other first grade teachers. Some days I am just over-whelmed with how much I need to fit into our days. I often feel behind in something that were doing, and never would have imagined the work that goes into a classroom. There is always something. When the bell rings, and the kids leave, I often find myself sitting at my desk for 10 minutes. Thats because I never sit during the day! I just wish we had 1 more hour in the day so that I could feel more organized and prepared. I know that this is my first full year of teaching, and I am honestly doing the best I can to teach these little minds. But I want to be the best, and set my goals high as a teacher. So needless to say, I spend a lot of hours at school getting ready for the day. Let me just tell ya, when you see their faces in the morning and they are excited to see you, you know its going to be a good day.
August 17, 2009
Movin' On Up
July 28, 2009
Getting Back into the Swing of Things...

My new bag...its pink! and thank goodness it only weighs 4 pounds!
July 24, 2009
July 10, 2009
Miss the Dress
July 8, 2009
Addicted to BP
July 7, 2009
Latest News
July 2, 2009
Keep's Getting Shorter
June 30, 2009
So I got in a cleaning mode. And I mean like "Get out of my way, let me do my own thing, its going in the trash, pitch it! Move the furniture to get the dust bunnies, and so on." And I must admit I love getting into this mode. I just wish it would happen more often. However, since I have been scrap booking, I thought I would take a few pictures so I could put them in my book. So, as you will notice there are not any pics of my bedroom. Let me tell you, about a week ago, it was clean. And that it is because the laundry was done ;) But now, the clothes are back on the floor, like they exploded. (And we even have 5 laundry baskets) Sad, but true. Phil and I really like living in an apartment, and we live comfortably. We are really looking forward to moving into a house, but our little abode will do just fine for now :)
June 25, 2009
Tan Lines?
June 20, 2009
Phil and I when we first got there
A little later on, hey I wasn't ready..could you tell?
Liz and I sweatin our little behinds off :)
At the beach. Finally a nice sunny day!!!!
June 17, 2009
Too much time....
I think I have too much time on my hands as of right now. My love/hate relationship revolves around EBAY at this moment. Since I have been scrapbooking and trying to be creative, I have found that EBAY has some pretty awesome stuff on it. I do have a partner in crime on this one! Liz....yea...thats right, she's in on this gig too! She bought a scrapbooking set with like 1900 pieces in it! We were both so giddy and excited when it came in the mail. So I am not sure how to take this situation. Is is a good thing to be involved in EBAY or not. They do have some pretty awesome deals. On the other hand, when I look at the clock, I wonder where in the world an hour went?
June 13, 2009
Casey's Little Pet Shop
Well, as of right now, I am supporting my husband, my 2 cats, Phil's classroom turtle, and dog-watching Rachels puppy while she is out of town. What have I gotten myself into???
Let's just say this has been quite an experience so far! Mollie, is the cutest puppy, and I believe is only about 5 months old. I have grown up in a household that only had cats. At the age of 4, we took in Lucky. And since then, thats all I have owned. Dogs are so completely different.
I haven't slept too many hours in the past 2 days. I am so paranoid with Mollie around. I am just not used to having something always following me. I am always checking to see if she if she needs to go out. I swear she finds things on the floor that the vacuum doesn't even find. Yesterday I was in the office doing some work when she brings me my bra and a tank top. I'm like, "What the heck Mollie?!" So last night, I went to PetSmart after going out to dinner with a few girls from college. I was on a mission to find this girl some things to chew on! Rachel brought over a couple of things, but she is definitely more interested in the cats things. Chloe and Buddy are very protective of their mice, feathers, and etc. And so I bought her a few things, and they really seem to be distracting her from the other stuff.
And not to mention, 2 cats. They are doing fairly well, but they watch their distance from Mollie. Mollie is so innocent and just wants to play, but I guess my "kids" are just acting to sophisticated or sassy.
I can say I have had a lot of fun playing fetch with her and going on walks, something you can't really do with cats. I mean yooouuu coouuullddd, trust me on this one! They do have strollers for cats, and if I were rich, my babies would totally have one! :)
So this morning after taking Mollie out, feeding the animals like I was filling a troft, I sat down to watch some Snapped! When I asked Phil if he had fed the turtle and turned on its UV light. Anyone want to guess what his response was? I'm sure that you are right, it was no. So when I went in to take care of Shelly, I just ended up cleaning up her tank and filter. It wasn't that bad, I just don't want things to start smelling funny :/
So all in all, life has been a little crazy lately. (I think I am running on a lot of caffeine.) Just don't ask me to take care of any more animals right now, because my heart will just say Yes. I love the "babies" and wish I could give all animals a good place to live. So if you don't own one yet, you should :) The best part about owning a pet is that the love you give to it, will always come back to you. And that's a guarantee folks!
June 7, 2009
365 Days

June 2, 2009
House Pet for the Summer
Introducing.......... Shelly
So, here she is.